RE/MAX Foothills
Ward Stone PLLC - Real Estate Professional since 1984

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All agents are NOT the same. There IS a difference. But don't take my word for it. Here's what some of my past clients have to say...

Chris and Jessica M.
We loved working with Ward. He brought amazing experience and insight and made the whole process stress free. I also wanted to share that our 7 year old son out of the blue last night said, “It was really great working with Ward!”, so you made a positive impact on the whole family Thanks for everything!

Mary and John C.
You are very good at what you do and speaking for myself I'm very grateful we are friends. You did a wonderful job selling my house and wouldn't hesitate recommending you to someone.

Tamara and Bev
YAY! Thank you for all your wonderful work and patience!!! You are the best! I spoke with neighbor next door last night and she is keeping your name for when they are ready to sell (in a few years) she was super impressed! Sure wish you were getting the bigger commission though.

Dennis and Janine S.
Ward, we’re so pleased that we were able to work with you on this. You’ve been the model of professionalism, experience, tenacity, strategic thinking, problem solving, and just plain hard work that has led you to be so successful in this field. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I’m convinced that with anyone else at the helm, we’d still be wringing our hands and dropping our price every week hoping to sell the place. In a sea of wannabe realty professionals, you are the real deal, my friend. With deep gratitude, Dennis

Roger & Amy L.
Amy and I appreciated your assistance in the recent purchase of our first home. We feel that your guidance through the process prevented us from making several mistakes common to the first time homebuyer. We found you and your staff helped to make a very complex, hectic process as simple and organized as possible. Amy and I would gladly recommend your services to prospective home buyers, knowing that your high level of service and professional attitude will provide the same level of satisfaction that we have experienced.

Diane B.
We have to let you know how pleased we were with your handling of the sale of our home. You were professional, honest and sincere from the beginning to end. Always following through on our endless questions. If you ever need a referral please give our name and number. I’ve already recommended you to several of my friend and plan to continue.

Rob N.
You handled the sale of our home in a professional manner. Our only regret is that we wished you were our Realtor form the beginning!

Lori & Paul G.
Paul and I want to thank you for all your efforts with selling our house. It can be very stressful having your house up for sale but with your help it made the process a lot easier. We especially liked the way you always kept us posted on showings and returned all our calls to you. Your marketing plan is very successful. I remembered your name from the information that was sent to our home. When we found out that we were being transferred your name was the one that stood out in my mind. Thanks again to everyone!

Sharyn & Walt R.
Both Sharyn and I would like to thank you for the speedy and professional manner in which you sold our home. Selling is 28 days and getting the price we wanted is a tribute to you and your staff.

Dave E.
The entire process of selling our home was handled first class. You always returned our calls promptly and had good answers and advice. This was the first easy sale of the three we have attempted in our life. I would gladly recommend your group to anyone.

Linda M.
This group is one of the most professional teams I have worked with. When you hire them, they start to work on selling your property immediately instead of waiting for the exclusive agreement to get older and they start active work toward the end. They make up brochures and places ads that are very appealing. They are very good with marketing of the property and follows up. They work with you in a very non aggressive and laid back way so you never feel that you have lost control or are being talked into something you didn’t want. Yet their non pushy manner gets results no matter how though the sale. I am very pleased with the way the sale of my property was handled. I would not hesitate to recommend Ward & his team to anyone and have used them twice already. He is the only broker I have worked with where I felt they earned the commission and was more than happy to pay it because I felt it was worth it and was very pleased with the way the sale was handled.

Paul P.
In one sentence I can capsulize my opinion of your handling of our home merchandising and sale: You were excellent! I think the most important factor in dealing with anyone is being able to trust them. My wife and I had complete confidence in Ward’s honesty, integrity and knowledge of the real estate business. He gave us several “tips” toward more successfully presenting our home, which, after we followed through on them, demonstrated the wisdom of his suggestions. I do not believe that any realtor could have done more with regards to advertising or presenting our home. Not a single week went by when there was not ads in the local paper or “Homes” magazine. He scheduled “Open Homes” often and was most generous with his time and expertise. Before closing, Ward was most helpful in preparing us for what to expect also. He did not leave any “loose ends”. One more thing. The flyers he prepared on our home were exceptionally well done with color photographs and excellent verbal presentations. Visits from other realtors revealed that Ward is greatly respected in the real estate business also. I think the proof of how one feels about someone who has worked for you is whether or not you would refer your friends to them. Before moving out of town we recommended Ward to two different families of friends, both of whom are now using him to merchandise their homes. In summary, I would recommend Ward Stone unhesitatingly and vehemently to anyone who wants an honest, top notch broker to handle a home transaction. He is the best.

Ned & Grace
We are almost settled in our new home and are extremely happy with the choice we made, thanks to your help in selecting the right condo. Both Ned and I want to thank you for the extra efforts you made toward showing us the many condos. Your wise counseling without forceful and pushy actions was appreciated. You are truly a professional. We will highly recommend your services.

John & Sue P.
We want to thank you very much for all the time and effort you put forth for us. You took a lot of time to introduce us to the area and we sincerely appreciate all that you did. You are very professional while at the same time understanding when we brought the children along. We want you to know that we sincerely appreciate everything you did for us in our search for a new home.

Kellie & Dennis C.
Dennis and I just wanted to thank you again for the terrific job you did in selling our home and helping us find another one. We appreciated your straight forwardness and honesty through the whole process. Thanks you again for everything. We will certainly recommend you to our new neighbors!

Margie & Tom K.
Tom and I appreciate you knowledge of the area and the properties that were available in our price range. It was a pleasure working with a professional Realtor who was very thorough.

Jim and Andrea
Immediately after our first meeting with you, we knew that you were the right person to handle the sale of our home. You presented yourself and your marketing research was clear, understandable and professional manner; and we felt very comfortable that you would act in our best interest. Our faith and trust in your was rewarded. Throughout the period, from the listing to the final sale of our home, you were always responsive to all our concerns, and your personal attention exceeded expectations. You are a kind and caring person who extends those traits to all the services that you offer. Be assured that we will refer you to others without hesitancy and greatly appreciate the excellent service you provided us.

David & Karen K.
We were pleased with the way in which you handled our home selling transaction. You were thorough with what we needed to know. Also your judgment was realistic and appreciated. Thanks! We’ve already given you card to one of our friends.

Tom & Lorene A.
We were very pleased with the marketing and sale of our house. We were also pleased with the help we received in finding our new home. The manner in which we were treated by you and your staff is highly commendable. Although you were very busy we never felt “put aside”. Our calls were returned promptly. We recommend you to anyone who is interested in selling their home.

John M.
We found you to be thoroughly professional, knowledgeable and accessible to our many questions as first time home buyers. We are very satisfied with the service we received and with all the help and attention from you. I would not hesitate to recommend you or use your services in the future.

Rick O.
Thanks for all your help. Your helpful attitude and honesty were pleasing. I also appreciate that you don’t put any pressure on your customers as some other Realtors do. I would not hesitate to recommend your services to anyone. Again, thanks for all your help.

Ed & Terri
Thanks for all your help in finding us our home. So far everything is great. We especially appreciated your interest in our needs rather than your own. We will certainly recommend you to anyone moving to the area.

Luke & Genny
Genny and I want to express our appreciation for your efforts in finding our home. To say the least, your skills, knowledge and genuine interest in location the right home for us demonstrated the highest degree of professionalism. Just as important was the way you handled the funding. Without your persistence, we may have been stuck with an unattractive mortgage package that could have dampened the enjoyment of having the house we wanted or worse yet, become a real burden. You made the transaction smooth and simple. Once again, thanks for all you’ve done. We wholeheartedly recommended you to friends and other acquaintances. We know that when they’re ready to buy or sell, they too will be equally impressed with your services.

Joan S.
Thank you Ward. I greatly appreciate your professional recommendations for the rehab and your assistance through that process. That worked out just the way we hoped for a quick sale. Thank you.

Tila and Greg P.
Both Tila and I found your help to be invaluable in our quest for a new home. Being first time home buyers, we were both very inexperienced in home shopping. We found your knowledge of subdivisions and schools to be of great help. What impressed us most was that you only showed us homes that met our specifications (both in layout and price range) and that you never pressured us to make an offer on a home. If we ever decide to sell we most certainly would list with you, because of your help with our purchase.

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